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Here's a peek at Diablo 4 collector's edition

Diablo Phwoar.

Diablo 4

Diablo content creator and partner Wudijo has revealed what's included in the Diablo 4 Collector's Edition.

Wudijo captured their first impressions when they recorded the unboxing – which was delivered in a box clearly marked "do not ship before 1 June 2023" – and shared it on their YouTube channel.

You can check it out for yourself in the video below:

Unboxing the Diablo 4 Collector's Edition

Wudijo goes on the share what's included in the collector's edition, including the gorgeous Diablo 4 art book – although they're careful not to unwittingly share spoilers – the electric Candle of Creation, a cloth map of Sanctuary, an "occult" mouse pad, and a pin of the Horadrim (thanks, PCGN). Two matted fine art prints are included, too.

The Diablo 4 Collector's Edition is on sale for around £100/$100/€90 and don't forget, it doesn't include the game itself, which is out on 6th June on PC, and current- and last-gen consoles, so you'll have to factor in the cost of that separately.

Blizzard recently confirmed the final Diablo 4 PC system requirements, so you can double-check that your system is ready for the "Server Slam" weekend, which is set to run 12th to 14th May.

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Vikki Blake avatar

Vikki Blake


When​ ​her friends​ ​were falling in love with soap stars, Vikki was falling in love with​ ​video games. She's a survival horror survivalist​ ​with a penchant for​ ​Yorkshire Tea, men dressed up as doctors and sweary words. She struggles to juggle a fair-to-middling Destiny/Halo addiction​ ​and her kill/death ratio is terrible.

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