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Blizzard: "no plans" for Diablo 4 tab overlay map

Getting there.

Diablo 4

Blizzard has confirmed it has "no plans" for a Diablo 4 tab overlay map.

The "Automap" tool is a feature of the previous Diablo games. In Diablo 1 and 2 it appears as a faint overlay in the middle of the screen. Diablo 3 shifted the overlay map to the top right-hand corner of the screen, making it more of a mini-map.

Diablo 4 has PvP from the get-go, in case you didn't know, and many more endgame ideas.

Diablo 4, however, has a dedicated mini-map on the top-right corner of the screen, with the tab button used to display the full map and journal. The game will not have a tab overlay map as seen in Diablo 1 and 2, Diablo chief Rod Fergusson confirmed on Twitter.

Reaction to the news is mixed. The tab overlay map is seen by some players as a crucial navigation aid, while others say it breaks immersion.

While Blizzard is sticking to its guns on a tab overlay map, it has confirmed a raft of changes coming to Diablo 4 based on feedback on the recent open beta.

As Bertie reported yesterday, Barbarians have, as expected, been buffed, and Sorcerers and Necromancers have been nerfed. Blizzard has also “optimised” multiple dungeons across all zones to minimise the need for backtracking.

Diablo 4 launches 6th June on PC, PlayStation and Xbox.

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Wesley Yin-Poole

Deputy Editorial Director

Wesley is deputy editorial director of ReedPop. He likes news, interviews, and more news. He also likes Street Fighter more than anyone can get him to shut up about it.

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